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Activate your Real CRM Pro Account


Attend mandatory client support live online webinar. Attend one of the earliest available sessions on Monday or Thursday 11:00 am - 11:45 am Eastern Standard Time.  Register below
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Getting Started

Please confirm you understand these key points.

  • You can submit any questions, comments, concerns or issues of any kind to Real Agent Pro (RAP) using our support@realagentpros ticket system – even URGENT matters.

  • You have reviewed the shop hours for appointments, Marketing Profile, zip codes that RAP will use when prospecting for your practice.

  • You can provide any contacts from your team that you want to receive communications from RAP,  just send emails and cell phones.

  • You can sign up to have appointments sent to you via Text.

  • FSBO and Expired leads have a wide spectrum of motivations when considering listing their home.

  • Once a recording verifies that an appointment was set, it is considered valid irrespective of any behaviors, circumstances or attitudes of the seller. This includes no shows, property values, property condition etc.

  • The difference between an appointment opportunity and a lead. You can request Circle Prospecting.

  • The criteria for requesting to withdraw an appointment are for Distance and already Listed/contracted.

  • You must report ALL Listings and Closings for RAP leads. Fees incurred when this information goes undisclosed.

  • Everything you need to do is on your Agent Portal Request withdrawals, report listing/closings, submit support tickets, lead management, tools and resources.

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Share your Google Calendar with us
1) Log-into your google calendar 

2) Click the settings gear in the top right corner of your google calendar
3) Select "settings" (fourth option down)
4) in the top left corner select "calendar" tab, find the "shared: edit settings" link 
5) Find the form field for email to share and enter " ", change permission setting to "Make Changes to Events". Click save when finished. 

Please review calendar integration policy 

If you are unable to utilize google calendar integration - appointments will be set based on the general availability you provide to us during your Launch process. We will abide by any specified lead time (example: 24-48 hour notice) you document during your launch process. 

If you are unable to utilize google calendar integration - any appointments generated that conflict with your immediate availability, but correctly match your agreed upon availability and fall with requested lead time period, will not be withdrawn due to scheduling conflict. 

If you are unable to utilize google calendar integration – Any scheduling conflict will require the agent to call the prospect to reschedule the appointment. failure to successfully reschedule appointment with prospect will not result in appointment being withdrawn from agents cumulative contractual goals. 

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Activate your REDX service account

please selected services (expired & fsbo)

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Submitt your agent profile information
  1. If you have an administrative assistant who will interact with the program on your behalf, it is manditory that they accompany you on your scheduled intake call. 

  2. Please Email Circle of influence File to 

  3. Submission of your Social media Information is done on a seperate form below the Agent On-boarding profile Form (This information is required for our online intergrated marketing program and your digital Magazine) 

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Session with Real Agent Pro Coach

Your Coaching call will be scheduled during your intake Session

(Your coaching call will be scheduled with Ben Lang)


Benjamin Lang – Broker/Owner, CDPE, ABR, SFR

Lang Premier Properties | Chief Executive Officer


Mobile | 248.835.2340

Email   |



Attend next available on-boarding webinar

Mandatory Client Support Onboarding:


Please join me for this important live session to review process and communication details that will make it easier for you to partner with Real Agent Pro. 

We want to be sure you are aware of everything you need to know to have success with our services. 


Live sessions are held every:

Monday and Thursday at 11:00 am - 11:45 am EASTERN STANDARD TIME. 

You are required to attend the earliest available session to verify that you have been fully apprised of all important information about our systems, policies and processes. 


Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve your practice. 


Click here to register online for this call now!

Connect to the Live session:

On a computer, use any browser. Nothing to download. 
On a phone or tablet, launch the app and enter meeting code: realagentpro 

Join the audio conference: 
Dial a phone number and enter access code, or connect via internet. 

By phone: 
United States - Atlanta, GA   +1.404.801.3225 
United States - Camden, DE   +1.302.202.5900 
United States - Detroit, MI   +1.734.746.0035 
United States - Hartford, CT   +1.860.970.0010 
United States - Los Angeles, CA   + 
United States - New York, NY   +1.646.307.1990 
United States - San Francisco, CA   +1.415.655.0381 
United States - Saugus, MA   +1.781.666.2350 
United States - Tampa, FL   +1.813.769.0500 
United States - Washington, DC   +1.202.602.1295 
Access Code   782-843-420# 


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Copyright © 2015 REAL AGENT PRO, LLC. All rights reserved | Customer Service: 585-623-4440

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